In grateful memory of a very special man - Emma Kirkby and Howard Williams
Fond memories of dancing with Robert - I am sure wherever he may be he is dancing on!
Such a kind and gentle, interesting neighbour and friend.
Travel well Robert! It was a pleasure to know you.
I am pleased to have enjoyed a pint with Robert and Cherry.
The kind twinkle in your eyes will long remain in our memories.
The spirit cannot die.
Rest in peace Robert, we have fond memories of our chats and visits.
Fiona and David
We are very happy to support such a good cause in memory of a good friend.
In memory of Robert, who we wish we'd had more time to know better.
In memory of a kind soul.
In loving memory of Robert.
In loving memory of my brother-in-law
I am aware of how lucky we are to have safe, warm houses, and glad that this project has grown over the last few years to offer help and shelter around the world in disaster zones.
In memory of my beloved husband Robert, and of all the lovely nature walks we shared together. I know the Wildlife Trusts do a great job of helping the natural environment to thrive.
With much love, Desmond and Katie
Travel well Robert. You were a lovely gentleman I was happy to have met, albeit some time ago. Your art will live on for many years into the future.